Tuesday 18 May 2010

test post

test post

Monday 17 May 2010

Ritual Shower (lesson 9 research project)

Lesson Nine calls for a ritual bath... well I lack the necessary piece of equipment, I do have a shower though so I am inspired to create guidelines for a ritual shower.

Unlike baths, which are generally quite similar in form, showers can be quite different from one another. I myself have what is called a "wet room", the floor and walls are waterproofed so there is no need for a separate shower cubical. There is a curtain that can be pulled around the shower area and a fold down chair, the room originally being designed for someone with limited physical capabilities. I am therefore quite lucky that I am able to sit down and relax under the shower.

As with the classic ritual bath I like to light the room with candles, however I prefer to use an oil burner instead of incense as I find that smoke and steam don't mix well, make sure to light the oil burner well in advance. The choice of oils used will be dictated by the purpose of the ritual. Normally at this point you'd be chucking various lovely things into the bathwater, but I don't have that luxury so I suggest a ritual body scrub instead.


A good handful of sea salt
A few teaspoons of dried herbs
If you have dry skin add a handful of oats
Enough oil to moisten the mix eg almond oil
A few drops of essential oils

The type of herb, oil and essential oil are up to you, make sure to research their properties, both mundane and magical and if in doubt consult a good book or a qualified herbalist. Use your judgement to decided what quantities to use, experimentation is key! If you want to make enough to last for more than one shower store it in an airtight container or kilner type jar. If you don't like the idea of bits all over the shower then tie up a portion in a muslin bag and use it to scrub yourself like that instead.

Where were we? Oh yes, a candlelit room scented with essential oils and a jar of sacred scrub near the shower. I think we need some soothing music, take your pick and remember to be careful with electrical items in the bathroom! Now, Lesson Nine suggests drawing an invoking pentacle of water over the bath, well how about we bless the shower head instead? It's now time to turn the shower on, let it heat up to the desired temperature and while waiting take a few deep cleansing breaths. Just as in the Ritual Bath instructions you are surrounded by the elements; fire from the candles, water from the shower, air by the incense/oil burner/steam and earth by the sacred scrub. Consider this as you step under the shower.

Enjoy the experience of relaxing under warm water then step away from the water (or turn it off if you're in a small cubical) and rub yourself all over with the scrub, if you're using the muslin bag you need not step away. The next part will depend on whether you mind getting your hair wet. If you don't mind then you can give yourself a thorough soaking, letting the water cascade over your head and face. As you do this visualise all negativity being washed away with the remnants of the scrub, I see it as a muddy black/brown being rinsed down the drain. If you don't want to get your hair wet, remove the shower head and hold it to you. As you rid yourself of the negativity see it being replaced by golden light (or any other colour you care to visualise) and continue to do this until you feel ready to leave.

When you are ready turn the shower off. I really like the blessing given in Lesson Nine (taken from the Gardnarian Book of Shadows) and I think now would be a good time to do it. I would change the words slightly though:

“Blessed be my feet, that have brought me in these ways.
Blessed be my knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be my womb (seed), without which we would not be
Blessed be my breasts, formed in beauty
Blessed be my lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.”

Saturday 8 May 2010

Farewell Kittens

Our most recent batch of kittens are off to their new homes today. It is a bittersweet moment, I helped a few of them into the world, breaking the birth sack to give them their first breath. It was a magical experience. And now they're gone. I pray that they will go to good homes with disgustingly rich people who'll feed them premium catfood everyday. I asked as much when I offered a special incense blend to Bast last night.

Long lives and happiness to you all my little Jocks

Thursday 25 February 2010

February Moon

Snow moon when the frost blooms
and grips the land in its vice
water like glass and frozen grass
with glittering flowers of ice.

Wolf moon when the gale looms
a hunter that bites to the bone
silent and dark, freezing and stark
the earth's as hard as a stone.

Budding moon growth in the gloom
shoots thrusting up to the light
warmth from the cold, new from the old
winter is losing the fight.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Research Project 7

For this one I have to write about the Summer and Winter Solstices. I made a start on the Summer Solstice as a page for my Scrapbook of Shadows but I only did a couple of paragraphs:

The Summer Solstice occurs between the 20th and 23rd of June, it various each year due to the earth's wobble on it's axis. The word solstice comes from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). This is because during the year the sun rises and sets along the horizon at a slightly different position each day; from the Winter Solstice to the Summer Solstice the sun progresses north along the horizon, then at the Summer Solstice it begins to journey south again, hence the appearance of the sun standing still on the horizon at the two Solstices.

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and is also known as Midsummer or Litha. Midsummer is not a specifically Pagan term, it is used to refer to any number of celebrations held in June, the most well known of which, in the Christian calendar, is the the feast of Saint John the Baptist. Quite a number of modern Pagans refer to this solstice as Litha which is thought to derive from the Anglo Saxon name of the month roughly corresponding to June and July as noted by Bede. The two months were called "se Ærra Liþa" and "se Æfterra Liþa," the early Litha month and the later Litha month, however this name wasn't used by Pagans of Old.

I shall have to expand on them before the deadline and add something about the Winter Solstice.

This one isn't copied!

I've been through my various on line blogs and the folders on my computer, I think I've managed to copy everything of any importance over here. I still have stuff in my physical Books of Shadows but as I'll have to type that out manually I think I'll leave that until later.

Now I can chat randomly!

Beltane 2008

Friday 18th April 2008

Matthew wants to participate in a ritual with me, to see what it's like in preparation for our handfasting. So I'm going to prepare a kind of script I think, something for him to read through to familiarise himself with and for me to possibly practice too! Me not being very organised. It will have to be fairly simple and not too long winded. Also Matthew doesn't want to do too much at first, so I'll ease him into it gently.

I think it makes sense to purify the circle with the elements first of all, (do I cleanse the elements first? Or not bother?) then to cast the circle with the athame, then to invite the elements and lord and lady. Then to raise energy somehow: chanting? Meditating? Then time to do the actual purpose of the ritual. Which shall be....? Then to bless the food and drink (great rite) then to partake of food and drink and chat relax. Then to thank the lord and lady for presence. Then to thank the elements and dismiss them with wand. Then to open circle with the athame. Ta da! All done :)

Set up altar:

New candles in holders, incense block ready to be lit and incense next to it with spoon too.

A suitable pot of compost and some Sweetpea seeds, preferably dwarf variety. Bamboo frame already made up to fit the pot, possibly already attached to the pot. To be done in the morning so the Sun wheel can be made to fit it as a brace.

Lighter, scissors candle snuffer. All tools laid out, cd in player if wanted, pillows on the floor for sitting on. Salt in the dish. Water in the bowl.

Food of some kind and drink too.

Light the charcoal block.

Put incense on the block and light the candles. Put cd on if wish.

Stand and hold each other while meditating, roots into the earth.

Put athame to water and cleanse it of negativity

Put athame to salt and consecrate it in preparation for ritual use.

Put a pinch of salt into the water and stir it with the athame.

Go around the circle with the incense “I cleanse this circle with fire and air that it may be free of negativity”

Go around the circle with the water “I cleanse this circle with earth and water that it may be free of negativity”

Go around with the athame “I cast this circle that it may be a place between the worlds”
“The circle is cast!”
With the wand go to the east and welcome the element of air, inspiration etc
then to the south and welcome fire
then to the west and water
then north and earth

Then to the centre and welcome Goddess and God

Sit down on the pillows and talk about what Beltaine represents while planting the seeds in the pot, describing how they are wishes for the future, we are planting the seeds of ideas.. for example I would like to plant a seed for creativity, may it grow in my life. A seed for peace my it grow for my family, a seed for the people to wake up and stop using the world like a dump etc. So wishes for me, for loved ones, for strangers, for the world.

Explain how energy raising works, remind Tthew of how we started with roots going into the earth, bring his mind back to those roots as we're sitting and ask him to imagine that those roots are sucking up energy from the earth, that it's filling his body with light of his choice.

When ready, Matthew can start drumming gently and I will sing, in that way we can raise energy.

When ready we'll direct the energy into the pot.

Then we'll have a chat to say what's happening next or to discuss what's just happened.

Then we'll get the food, chalice and athame. I'll use the athame to bless the food then pass it to Tthew.

Matthew can have the athame, I'll have the chalice.

“The athame is to the male”
“As the chalice is to the female”
“When joined in union they represent the Great Rite from which all life comes and which is therefore the ultimate sacred act.”

Then we eat and drink and chat and relax.

Then we thank the Lord and Lady for their presence

Then starting in the north, thank and thank earth
Then west and thank water
Then south and thank fire
Then east and thank air

Then starting in the north, going widdershins to west, south and east, open the circle with the athame.

Then hold each other and let the roots retract.

The End.

Well we did the ritual and it was really fun, :) even though it was slightly nerve raking! The drumming was excellent, Matthew's really good at that. The singing went well except I made Matthew stop by singing with him, correcting the tune, I felt awful for that. The planting was good, we enjoyed that, each seed represented a wish for the future. We planted Sweet Pea Seeds a variety called High Scent which unsurprisingly claims to have a strongly scented bloom. We planted them in a terracotta pot with a pyramid of canes, around which we wound three coloured ribbons, white red and pink. Men and Women, semen and blood.